(05/23/24) Area 5 Meeting Report
May 23rd IHCC USD meeting report from yours truly.
As always, my personal notes are stated as such and in no way reflect anyone else's thoughts or opinions other than my own. (sorry for any typos)
The area this meeting was set for was titled "Area 5" for IHCC mapping purposes, but anyone was welcome to attend.
I counted ~95 homes in this particular mapped area. One of the smallest "groups". Homes close to the Elementary School and17 homes across JFK.
There were 5 IHCC board members attending.
I counted ~25 others in attendance.
AND - City Council member Steve Baxter (Ward 3)! (https://nlr.ar.gov/wpfd_file/ward-map-2023/)
I've noticed the PPT presentation has adapted slightly for each meeting. Some of the changes include addressing things people opposed to the USD have brought up.
Is 25% for the petition democratic? (their answer is yes, and they cite Pulaski county voter turnout). Stating the lower percentage *encourages* participation.
Personal note - this argument doesn't sit well with me. Basically saying "50% is impossible to reach" BUT that's what is required to OPPOSE the petition. This makes the law appear to be rigged in favor of those who support and against those who oppose.
The presentation takes about 35 minutes of the meeting time.
Then the Q&A begins.
The moderator asking comments be limited to 2 minutes.
This particular meeting ran almost all the way to the 8:30 mark with a lot of questions and answers.
IHCC now has yard signs out with meeting information.
I appreciate the fact they made the signs so they can simply change the dates (aka: reusable signs). Going green is always a good thing, even if I disagree with what they are for.
Q&A things I remember
Former board member Steve Ringgold wanted to know why more work hadn't been done on the dams. Why hadn't the money collected from the lake owners been spent. --Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe a board members stated only $500 of the $11,000 raised by lake owners had been spent, and that was for mowing. All of the funds given by the city ($24 or $25k?) had been spent, but more work was still needed.
There was discussion that dam work had halted b/c they were waiting on the city to deal with the trees that had been felled and I believe a controlled burn?
A lot of discussion about the high percent of elderly living in Indian Hills. (FYI- Homes.com states 25.5% of IH is 65+ and the national avg. is 18%.) I use Homes.com for my statistic b/c the IHCC PPT also uses Homes.com.
A lot of discussion about the high number of food insecure living in Indian Hills.
PERSONAL NOTE: - Again, people at this meeting stating "$8.50 isn't that much" is utterly dismissive to the folks who are literally saying it IS a big deal for their budget. I'm glad our "fill the blessing box" drive went well but it barely lasted 5 days.
A lot of talk about people knowing or not knowing about the amenities owned by IHCC and the ability to be members.
One person said they got a letter every year.
Others stated they had zero clue and never received letters.
A lot of talk about renters and rentals.
22-27% of Indian Hills homes are rentals.
What value does that add for those who rent if it passes?
IHCC now offers to contact landlords about the USD, if the renter wishes.
Information I thought was notable so I specifically wrote it down.
"The amenities bring value to the identity of the neighborhood."
Passing the USD means "The assets remain only for those that live in Indian Hills"
Potential 2nd USD proposal for lake property owners only would be for $11.50 per month (making their total contribution $20 per month for 10 years) because the lakes significantly affect the property value of all the homes directly on the lakes and likely those surrounding them.
With SO many people living in IH having no clue about the amenities in the first place, I find this statement misses the mark. What is the identity of Indian Hills? For the majority of the people I've spoken to as I go door-to-door the statement I hear most is "We mostly keep to ourselves."
Neighborhoods have significantly changed over the years. They are not a collection of friends who hold block parties. They are a collection of strangers. People have busy lives. Work, kids, taking care of parents, etc. Everyone is simply trying to live their life to the best they can for themselves.
What would REALLY bring value to the identity of our neighborhood is sidewalks and speed bumps. Make the entire neighborhood walkable and force the speeders to slow down!How many times have we heard people say they have used the Lakewood amenities despite not being members?
There was a North Little Rock Police Officer stationed in the chruch parking lot for the entire meeting.
Not sure why.